Aug 28, 2011

Staff-Captain, Devil WIP

The little devil... That is how I imagine him

Lunch Crunch #5 - Street fighter


Aug 24, 2011

Lunch Crunch #4 - Pixar

Chef Skinner :) one of my favourites

Aug 20, 2011

Lunch Crunch #3 - Hellboy

This time it's Ivan the corpse from the first Hellboy movie

Aug 19, 2011

Staff-Captain - 2nd Semester Final project....and first demo reel work

So I've started my first demo reel piece....I got till the end of September to finish it.

This amazing art was done by Sergey Kolesov, I hope I can do it justice
You can find more of his works here

This is the progress so far...working on the face

Lunch Crunch #2 - Harry Potter

This time it was Harry Potter characters

Mad eye Moody

Aug 17, 2011

Lunch Crunch #1 - Star Wars

After spending most of my time at the pixologic booth at Siggraph
We all got inspired by the "lunch crunch" which is a one hour 3d sculpt session now all think tank participates, and we are hooked :)
The theme was Star Wars so this is my contribution.

Viceroy Nute Gunray

Aug 14, 2011

Sculpting 200- Galio WIP

This is a Sculpt of Galio, based on the concept art by Eduardo Gonzales for League of Legends

Sean Bean Bust WIP

This is a Bust of Sean Bean I made recently, needs some more texture work and then he's off for shave and haircut and render

Jul 18, 2011

Sculpting 200- Character

A Sculpt of Puke by the amazing artist ZurdoM, done in Mudbox
this is the original concept art

Jul 8, 2011

Lighting & Rendering 200

A Lighting exercise, The Idea was to use only midtones as colors and all the shading done with dodge and burn tools in Photoshop

Jul 3, 2011

Sculpting 200- Torso Study

Male Torso Sculpt

Female Torso Sculpt

Stylized Male Torso- That one was fun :)

Jun 27, 2011

Sculpting 200 - Mudbox Faces

Second part of my assignment was to sculpt 5 faces in Mudbox

Just a face- first one so it is kinda generic :)

Darth Sidious a.k.a The Emperor a.k.a Palpatine (star wars)

Fat man

Geralt the witcher

Stylized cartoon face

And an alien head I made a while back in first semester

Sculpting 200 - Mudbox Pokemons

Two pokemons sculpts as an assignment for my Sculpting class

Pokemon # 1 - Infernape sculpt

Infernape reference

Pokemon # 2- Parasect sculpt

Parasect reference

Jun 13, 2011

Modeling 100 - Final Project !!

This is my Final project for the first semester, The idea was to make a still image that includes models, lighting, rendering and final composition.

This is the story of a little warrior and his stubborn dragon that wouldn't let the warrior ride him, I'm not sure about the final posing of the characters but this is it for now

Modeling 100 - Charmande pokemon mudbox sculpt

This is the concept art

Digital Imaging 100 - Matte Painting

Last assignment for DIM100, Matte Painting
This is what came out of mine

Digital Imaging 100 - Realistic Head texturing

I textured this head using camera projections from orthographic photoes

Semester 1 is over

Well, first semester at Think Tank is behind me....looking forward for the second.
I learned a lot these past 4 months, I hope it keeps up this way

I have a few assignments I did not post here they come

Apr 30, 2011

Digital Imaging 100- Character Texturing

Meet Hank, this was my test subject for texturing class.
Modeled by Joseph Bullock, my modeling teacher at Think Tank

Color map 2048x2048

Bump map

Specular map

Displacement map

Apr 22, 2011

Modeling class #9-10- character modeling

So....this is my Redneck Boyscout model for Modeling 100
It is still WIP, got a few more days to work on him
Concept art by Carlos Huante

Classical animation- Walk cycle

Finished my 2d walk cycle
drawing the poses by hand is not as easy as it seems

3D Animation Class- Walk and Run cycles

Here are walk cycles and a run cycle I made in 3d animation 100 class

Regular Walkcycle

Stylized Walkcycle

Run Cycle

Mar 31, 2011

Modeling class #6- Plymouth Prowler done :)

The car is done.
next step scene setup, lights and render

3D Animation Class- Run cycle

First Run cycle animation test

Mar 14, 2011

Modeling class #4- Car (rims)

My 3rd modeling assignment, a car.
My choice is Plymouth Prowler

This is the rim of the car, first part modeling of the car

Modeling class #2-3 Environment

This is an Environment modeling exercise at Think Tank, the modeling is kinda done, of course the render is basic, no lights and no textures in the scene

And this is the concept:

Unreal Engine 3 Demo

Classical animation- flour sack

Flour sack exercise for classical animation class at Think Tank

Modeling class #1- Think Tank

An elephant model I made the first day of school, it is a rough base mesh done in Softimage XSI, bare with me...this is the fist time I used the program


Here are some compiled sketches from the last few months done for fun or for work
* Some sketches in sketchbox 4 inspired by

Think Tank Training Centre - A new life

Last month I began my year at Think Tank Training Centre, for those of you who do not know it is a CG school in North Vancouver, Although I just started my impression of this place is that it's one of the greatest places to learn the art of CG and, I think the best stepping stone for future career. Check out Think Tank's website and the program and you will know what I'm talking about: Think Tank